May 18, 2022 is Visit Your Relatives Day! If you have folks nearby, take some time to get together. If all of your family is pretty far away (like mine), reach out with a phone call, text message, or email. Another good way to celebrate? Read one of these books! (Do you notice that each was written by an Angela and published in the same month? Crazy!)
When My Cousins Come to Town by Angela Shanté (May 2021)
Every summer a young girl eagerly waits for her cousins to come visit and celebrate her birthday. All her cousins are unique in their own ways and have earned cool nicknames for themselves… except for the girl. But this year things are going to be different. This year before summer ends, she’s determined to earn her own nickname!
Ruby's Reunion Day Dinner by Angela Dalton (May 2021)
Once a year, each of Ruby’s relatives prepares a special dish to share at their family reunion. Daddy calls it their “signature dish”—and Ruby wants one of her own. She wanders through the bustling kitchen looking for inspiration. As she watches Pop-Pop’s chicken sizzling in the skillet, Uncle G slicing onions, and Auntie Billie cooking corn on the hot grill, she wonders if she’s just too young to have a signature dish. That’s when she finds it— the perfect solution!