Summer Storytimes
Storytime, with a summery twist, will resume next week! There will be two different options that do not require registration, plus one where sign-up is a must.
B.F.F. Book Friends Forever!
Mondays at 9:30 & 10:30 a.m.
This storytime is designed for children under five. It usually draws large crowds and will feature two storytellers. We will meet in the Youth Program Room at the end of the starred hallway. Stroller parking will be available.
June 5 = Barnyard Besties with Miss Katie Jane & Mr Justin
June 12 = Bug Buddies with Miss Katie Jane & Miss Traci
June 26 = Forest Friends with Miss Katie Jane & Miss Anna Beth
July 3 = Pond Pals with Miss Katie Jane & Miss Grace
July 10 = Scaly Frenemies with Miss Katie Jane & Mr Steve
July 17 = Zoo Crew with Miss Katie Jane & Miss Emma
Storytime @ Lee Branch
Fridays at 10:30 a.m.
This fun storytime for all ages meets at the East59 location in Lee Branch. It will be hosted by Miss Lauren and Miss Alyssa.
June 9 = Barnyard Besties
June 16 = Bug Buddies
June 23 = Birds of a Feather
June 30 = Forest Friends
July 7 = Pond Pals
July 14 = Scaly Frenemies
July 21 = Zoo Crew
Baby Playdate
Friday, June 23 at 9:30 a.m.
Friday, July 21 at 9:30 a.m.
There will be two sessions of this play experience for babies 0-18 months. It features a brief structured activity followed by open-ended play. Miss Emma will host this event in the Youth Program Room at the end of the starred hallway. Registration is required.
Don't forget! Summer Reading participation begins at birth! Sign up by grabbing a paper log at either Kid Zone desk or log in to Beanstack.