Ribbiting Reads for National Frog Month
April is National Frog Month. Why do frogs get honored all month long? Because they are AMAZING! Don't believe me? Read this article posted to the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Then read one of these new books!
Frog Goes on Vacation by Carly Gledhill
Frog vs. Toad by Ben Mantle
A Spoonful of Frogs by Casey Lyall
Am I a Frog? by Lizzy Rockwell
Hot and Cold Animals: Red-eyed Tree Frog or Wood Frog by Marilyn Easton
One Tiny Treefrog: A Countdown to Survival by Tony Piedra
Ribbit!: The Truth about Frogs by Annette Whipple
Save the . . . Frogs by Sarah L. Thomson