1. Return library materials in the same condition as you received them. Handle them gently. Do not mark, highlight or underline in books. Do not cut out pages or pictures. Be sure to return all items (CDs, maps, patterns, etc) included with the book.
  2. Let Circulation know if an item needs to be repaired. Do not make the repair yourself.
  3. Keep your items from getting wet. Bring a plastic grocery bag with you to the library on a rainy day. Don't read library books in the bath.
  4. Use a bookmark. Turning down pages ("dog-earing"), using paper clips, and sticky notes can all do lasting damage to a book.
  5. Keep food and drink away from your items. Food and beverage stains attract bugs and can promote the growth of mold.
  6. Keep library materials away from pets, especially teething puppies!
  7. Don't keep library materials in the car. Especially in the summer, temperatures can get hot enough to melt book covers, loosen glued bindings and warp audiobooks.
  8. Be extra careful with books at the beach! Once a book has been dropped in the sand, it's almost impossible to get completely clean. Sunscreen stains and direct sunlight can damage all library materials.
  9. If returning items through the book drop, drop them in gently, one at a time.
  10. Teach your children to respect and take care of library items.